In Transfer In Málaga Online we are proud to know that as Malaga Airport Malaga - Costa del Sol has won the prize Airport Food Court of the Year (Best Gallery airport restaurant of the year) for the FAB Awards ceremony in Copenhagen.
Malaga Airport is the first airport in Spain to achieve this recognition. In the category of Food Court, built the best galleries options are awarded. The reasons why it has been chosen Airport Malaga - Costa del Sol have been its variety of brands, its location and the restaurants at Malaga Airport cover all the needs of travelers depending on their tastes, habits, and price.
From Transfer in Málaga Onlineremind our customers that apart from offering a service transfer in Malaga, we also carry collected by transfer from Malaga Airport. To request your transfer Malaga Airport just have to contact us by phone +34 633 121 034 or via email info@transferenmalagaonline.es
Moreover, you can also consult our prices for transfer at Malaga airport via the following link.