Children are the protagonists of these celebrations, the enthusiasm with which they live the arrival of Santa Claus and the Three Wise Men also makes the majors also enjoy the magic of Christmas.
For the little ones enjoy the holidays as it deserves, Malaga can find a large number of holiday-themed activities to have a great family. Adults and children will have fun with storytelling, theater, workshops, concerts, bagpipes and much more we can find these days in the capital of the Costa del Sol and today we will share with our readers of Transfer in Malaga Online.
Christmas is a lovely time to share with family. Although these days the crowds and traffic are more than usual we should not give up a comfortable place to move around the city and enjoy the Christmas activities transportation. The best way to get around this Christmas by Malaga is by transfer. With our vehicle up to 8 seats you can move comfortably with all members of the family in a single vehicle. Our transfer for 8 lets travel together without divide up into two transfers and so save their displacement. For more information about your transfer for 8 call us without obligation (+34) 633 121 034 or send an email to the address info@transferenmalagaonline.es.
But if your family consists of 4 members also you have the option of hiring their transfer in a single vehicle. Our transfers are comfortable and are equipped with the best features. In addition to transfers with small children can request equipped with car seat for children and baby transfer.
That's not all, because in addition in Transfer in Malaga Online may request transfer pickup at the airport in Malaga (Malaga Airport Transfer) in the Ave Maria Zambrano station (Ave Transfer Málaga) or at the Port of Málaga (Transfer Puerto Málaga). Call us at (+34) 633 121 034 or send an email to the address info@transferenmalagaonline.es to request pick up and transfer transfer in Malaga.
Here we see some of the plans for the little kids would spend this Christmas at large:
- MIMA at the Palace of Congresses and Exhibitions. It is the largest exhibition of children's activities to be held in Malaga. More than 60 activities for children of all activities will meet from Saturday 26 December until 4 January. In this great show we can find: zip line, ice rink, climbing wall, golf, basketball, video games, trampolines, bumper cars, video games, storytelling, musical performances ... and much more. There will also be visited by the Magi and the characters of children's drawings as SpongeBob or superheroes.
- Play Planet in Caja Blanca. Monday to Saturday from 16:00 to 20:00 will take place in the children's play activities Caja Blanca with games, competitions and gifts.
- Delivering letter to Real Postman. In different districts of Málaga children can deliver their letters to the Royal Postman for example in Palo front of the church of Sorrows on 26 and 27 December or Avenida Juan Sebastian Elcano on January 2.
- Theatre Christmas "Cuento de Navidad" at Caja Blanca. Monday 18h 28 hours. to 20h. Younger guests will enjoy the play A Christmas Carol. The price of admission is the contribution of a kilo of food.
- Nativity scene. In Malaga town hall you can visit the municipal nativity scene until January 6 in the Municipal Archives and find a different crib made with Playmobil figures.
- Activities in the museums of Malaga. In the various museums of Málaga and the Picasso Museum, the Russian Museum or the Museum Alboraina we can enjoy Christmas activities and workshops dedicated to the little ones.